Upcoming UCMAP Self-Defense Workshops

Event Start Date:June 21, 2021

Event End Date:July 11, 2021

Event Venue:


Fri 6/25 (4:30-5:30pm) — What’s on Hand: Using Everyday Objects for Self-Defense

Since 1969, the UC Martial Arts Program (UCMAP) has trained thousands of Berkeley students, faculty, staff & community members in martial arts and self-defense.

Join UCMAP’s Vera Chan and Raymond Cheung for a free webinar discussing how to use everyday objects as self-defense tools and develop an awareness mindset.

Vera and Ray have been training in Yongmudo, a self-defense-oriented Korean martial art, for more than half a century combined. A 2nd-degree black belt, Ray has studied different disciplines and weaponry in the combat arts since the age of 12, from aikido and sambo to foil and Chinese long spear. Vera, a 4th-degree black belt, sticks to household objects.

Register: bit.ly/whatsonhand

Sun 7/11 (1:00-1:45pm) — Assessing Your Environment & Reading Body Language: What to Look For & How to Apply It to Self-Defense

Since 1969, the UC Martial Arts Program (UCMAP) has trained thousands of Berkeley students, faculty, staff & community members in martial arts and self-defense.

The primary goal of self-defense is to avoid conflict whenever possible. Join UCMAP’s David Won for a free webinar discussing strategies to avoid situations that can result in a confrontation with someone, like a mugger or a person looking to inflict bodily harm.

David has been training in Taekwondo for nearly 40 years and is a 4th-degree black belt.

Register: bit.ly/assessenvirons